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Incredible Exercises To Unleash A Better Flamenco Dancer

We all know Flamenco is an emotional dance form and it is also very physically demanding.

Here are the few exercises that will make you a pro at the basics of flamenco dancing.

  • Sprints:
    If you’re a jogger, just apply a couple of sprints for 20-30 seconds, then continue jogging.
  • Yoga
    will work like magic for your posture while dancing. During Flamenco, your posture plays a very significant role.
  • Core Work:
    Having a strong ebb and back is quite an essential part of your flamenco dancing. If you regularly practice yoga, you’re already working on having a strong core.
  • Have a look in the mirror:
    Practice the basic steps of flamenco dancing always looking at the mirror, not the floor, not the ceiling. This will let you gain confidence in your posture and dancing. Peek inside

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